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1.6 Comment 본문
Don't belabor the obvious.
n default
/* return SUCCESS */
return SUCCESS;
zerocount++; /* Increment zero entry counter */
/* Initialize "total" to "number-received" */
node->total = node->number-recei ved ;
▲ All of these comments should be deleted; they're just clutter. Comments shouldn't report self-evident information.
Comment functions and global data.
Global variables have a tendency to crop up intermittently throughout a program;
a comment serves as a reminder to be referred to as needed.
struct State { /* prefix + suffix list */
char apref [NPREF]; /* prefix words */
Suffix asuf; /* list of suffixes */
State *next; /* next in hash table */
Don't comment bad code, rewrite it.
when the comment outweighs the code, the code probably needs fixing.
Don't contradict the code.
이 부분은 아직 이해 안된다
As much as possible, write code that is easy to understand; the better you do this, the
fewer comments you need. Good code needs fewer comments than bad code.
belabor 장황하게 논하다
clutter (너무 많은 것을 어수선하게) 채우다, 잡동사니, 어수선함
pointless 무의미한, 할 가치가 없는
intermittently 간헐적으로
crop up 불쑥 나타나다, 발생하다
meant to ~할 셈이다
obvious 명백한
* the + 형용사 = 명사
self-evident 자명한, 따로 증명할 필요가 없는
genuinely 진정으로, 성실하게; 순수하게
valuable 귀중한, 귀한, 소중한, 유용한
muddle 혼합하다; 혼란시키다, 뒤섞어 놓다
Negation 부정, 부인, 취소
contradict 부정〔부인〕하다, 반박하다; …와 모순되다; …에 반하는 행동을 하다
uninformative 정보 가치가 없는
needlessly 쓸데없이
protract 오래 끌게 하다, 연장하다
idiomatically 관용어적으로
carelessly 부주의하게
toss 던지다, 뒤적거리다, 뒤집다
blindly 맹목적으로, 무턱대고; 막다른 골목이 되어
peripheral 주위의, 주변의; 외면의; 그다지 중요하지 않은, 말초적인
'book > The Practice of Programming' 카테고리의 다른 글
1.5 Magic Number (0) | 2015.12.24 |
1.4 Function Macros (0) | 2015.12.23 |
1.3 Consistency and Idioms (0) | 2015.12.22 |
1.2 Expressions and Statements (0) | 2015.12.21 |
1.1 Names (0) | 2015.12.21 |