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1.6 Comment 본문

book/The Practice of Programming

1.6 Comment

헤써니 2015. 12. 28. 14:41

Don't belabor the obvious.


 n default
 /* return SUCCESS */
 return SUCCESS;
 zerocount++; /* Increment zero entry counter */
 /* Initialize "total" to "number-received" */
 node->total = node->number-recei ved ;

▲ All of these comments should be deleted; they're just clutter. Comments shouldn't report self-evident information.


Comment functions and global data.

Global variables have a tendency to crop up intermittently throughout a program;
a comment serves as a reminder to be referred to as needed.


struct State { /* prefix + suffix list */
    char apref [NPREF]; /* prefix words */
    Suffix asuf; /* list of suffixes */
    State *next; /* next in hash table */

Don't comment bad code, rewrite it.

when the comment outweighs the code, the code probably needs fixing.


Don't contradict the code.

이 부분은 아직 이해 안된다



 As much as possible, write code that is easy to understand; the better you do this, the
fewer comments you need. Good code needs fewer comments than bad code.




 W O R D

belabor 장황하게 논하다

clutter (너무 많은 것을 어수선하게) 채우다, 잡동사니, 어수선함

pointless 무의미한, 할 가치가 없는

intermittently 간헐적으로

crop up 불쑥 나타나다, 발생하다

meant to ~할 셈이다

obvious 명백한

* the + 형용사 = 명사

self-evident 자명한, 따로 증명할 필요가 없는

genuinely 진정으로, 성실하게; 순수하게

valuable 귀중한, 귀한, 소중한, 유용한

muddle 혼합하다; 혼란시키다, 뒤섞어 놓다


Negation 부정, 부인, 취소

contradict 부정〔부인〕하다, 반박하다; …와 모순되다; …에 반하는 행동을 하다

uninformative 정보 가치가 없는

needlessly 쓸데없이

protract 오래 끌게 하다, 연장하다

idiomatically 관용어적으로

carelessly 부주의하게

toss 던지다, 뒤적거리다, 뒤집다

blindly 맹목적으로, 무턱대고; 막다른 골목이 되어

peripheral 주위의, 주변의; 외면의; 그다지 중요하지 않은, 말초적인




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